Richline Motorsports
Keys to Value Engineering Success
During Phase I of the Richline Motorsports project, located at 16500 E. 23rd Street, Independence, MO, we did in 2018, the client required that value-engineering exercises be conducted during the design development, because they had a limited budget to accomplish the design, size and quality of development desired. Members of the design team, the owner, the contractor, sub-contractors, and material suppliers were consulted for value engineering sessions.
The Ask
Reduce the initial projected cost
The Solution
Maintaining the look of the initial design and quality of finishes was the main concern. Improved functions, good durability, and ease of maintenance were also studied. The group’s ideas were gathered and presented for review. The ideas ranged from working with the selected contractor to allow the owner to utilize sub-contractors the owner had relationships with, substituting the exterior cladding material from aluminum panel system to Nichia panels, changing out the insulation materials of the showroom from K-13 to colored spray foam insulation system, and deferring some of the work such as landscaping and some interior finishes to after the General Contractor had completed his work.
After identifying their respective advantages and disadvantages and their impact on first cost and life-circle costs, the final options were presented to the owner for selection of value-engineering items to be incorporated into the project.
The Results
The owner had reduced initial projected cost of the project by approximately $250,000 on a 2,000,000 project. The benefits of this value engineering process to the owner were more than cost reduction, it also helped with a better insulated building, and a more durable exterior cladding system.
Richline Motorsports Phase 2 in St. Louis, Missouri is now in Project Planning Phase.